Christmas has come and gone.
I had a difficult time staying on track. I knew what I was doing, and was conscious of it - but was too busy and stressed to care.
I gained 2 pounds, from what I can tell. I'm not happy about it, but I'm not destroyed over it.
I'm done over indulging, though - or done not tracking my calories.
It will be hard come New Year's Eve, since we always have a party. That might not be a great calorie day for me, either. But I will make it ONE day.
The hardest part is getting your body - and taste buds - re-regulated after a splurge. I don't think I consumed as many sweets as I have in the past because my taste buds don't need/want sweets as much. I made all baked goods small (or regular size). My bars were small, probably 1/4 maybe even 1/8 of Starbucks size. They were perfect. I feel like that was a "win" to have retrained my brain on what portion sizes are appropriate. But, after having a few, it's going to be a killer couple days detoxing from the sweets.
When your body is craving sweets and carbs, it can be murder. That's the hardest part. That might be the reason to not indulge - the aftermath. Not just the calories our pounds gained, but taking steps back in cravings.
I weighed myself today and I was 276 - two pounds up. I worked so hard for those two pounds, and now I need to work again. God, grant me the strength.
Only two pounds gained is great. Focus on that victory and the fact that you have retrained your eye for portions. Those are the kind of victories that will serve you well when you get to the maintenance phase.
For New Year's maybe you can pick just one or two favorites on which to indulge. I know that is hard though. But not as hard as relosing the weight.
Lori, thanks for the reminder. I keep thinking about how hard it is to get back on track when you go off too far, and I know NYE will be difficult for me.
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