One Of Those Mornings - And A Check In On NSV

I didn't have time to weigh myself today properly (meaning naked). It was "one of those mornings" where I got up late, barely had time to shower, make coffee, and do what I needed before work. Thankfully it is also the last day of work for me for FOUR DAYS. And my boss didn't come in today so I was alone in the office. Both of those things helped. I made the decision to skip making coffee and just pick one up on the way.

Good decision.

 Unfortunately I didn't have anything prepared for lunch, so I had to grab some cooked kale, a pre-made shake, and throw some eggs on to boil while I quick showered. The eggs, I found later at work, were not boiled. I put them in the microwave and gagged them down. I knew I would be starving if I didn't.

I'm happy with my weight loss, but I'd be a liar if I didn't say the preparations and thought that goes into it are overwhelming sometimes. But it's a delightful trade off.

So I survived my work day, and I will not think about work for a while. Halleluja!

While I'm stalling, I'll mention a couple things that have happened this month... to motivate and remind myself that scale moving isn't everything.

1.) Again, my wardrobe has expanded by a billion. I'm really (really) really enjoying getting dressed.

2.) A couple of my pants are sagging on me. I have to hike them up all the time and if I ran, they'd fall down.

3.) We went out with friends the other night and my girlfriend couldn't shut up about how great I looked. Truly.

4.) A man told my husband I was (expletive) gorgeous, and he was was bummed that I was married. He was younger than me, too. How nice.

5.) My rings are getting loose.

6.) I bought 2 pairs of exercise pants one size down (22/24). Granted they are forgiving, but still. That wouldn't have happened last year.

That's enough for now. Those are all good. They're great, really. Fantastic, actually.

I feel like I'm turning a bit of a corner, and maybe I just mentally need to hang out here for a bit and enjoy it. It's a bit overwhelming. There's the physical component to this, and then there's the mental.

I'm wondering when my rings will fall off.
I'm wondering when I'll need to ditch my current pants for some smaller ones. I can't WAIT.

I'm so hoping I can shed some pounds this month. I don't know what my goals are, but I definitely want to get below this blasted 250 mark!

Weigh in tomorrow, no matter what.


sara said...

girrrrllll, microwaving and choking down eggs instead of going for a coffee shop pastry = DEDICATION. I'm five days back to full on low carb fun and it takes such work to stay with it. My goal is to get to 75 off by the end of Sept and I know not just every day but every HOUR counts. Your NSVs are excellent and this post was perfect for the pre-holiday-weekend temptations to come. Happy 4th!!

Lori said...

You'll get below 250 very soon. I love the list of NSV's. Those are always so encouraging.