Old Goals

I'm keeping a record of my old goals here so I can remember them.  But updated my goals so I can re-achieve them.

 238 (100 pounds GONE)

Mini Goals
 below 280
 below 270
 good habits through May
 size 24 pants
 clothes too loose
 jog 1 mile

 Goals Achieved 
 stay below 300
 Bike the 5-mile loop, no stopping
 below 290 (8/24/12)
 below285 (10/12)
 below 277 (11/12/12)
 below 269 (1/2 way to goal) (1/28/13)
 fit comfortably into clothes again (1/13)
 260 (lower than my lowest) 4/22/13
 257 (see this) 4/29/13
 someone ask if I've lost weight (not family) (6/13)

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